Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged

As my very first post (with photo content) I thought what better bathroom to post than my very own throne, in my very own kingdom. So without further ado doo... my bathroom!
Hokaaayyyy... So here's my bathroom. But it doesn't normally look like the above. It looks more like this:

Ah yes. Please refer to the squeedgy up in the previous photograph. This is very important in the maintaining the lovely gifts that are our sliding glass doors. I used to have a shower curtain with a dude in a barrel on it that was hard to part with, but being on a constant mission to grow up, I was thankful for such a grown-up surprise when we signed the lease- and it must be maintained! After every use! We can thank my anal-retentive (and super wonderful- thanks for reading, Mom!) mother for drilling such practices into my little little mind at such a young age. My boyfriend can also thank my mother because I get on his ass about it all the time. I want to take this time for thanking my readers for joining me: Thor. Mother. Thank you.

Thor and I have chosen the colors brown and navy as our towel color-scheme. We outsource most all of our laundry duties to the laundromat down the street, not yet having a way to control the unsightly- uh --hmm... ok-- I'm trying to find a way to say that things get dirty without sounding like we use our bath towels as toilet paper and band-aids-- they just get dirty, and I don't have a washer. We have to buy things to make them last. Which has also forced us to reconcile with our current situation: We cannot have nice things. But hey, the colors go with the nice "stone finish" (yeah, it had me fooled for about a month... that's amazing they found one slab of stone to cut all of the tiles---wait a minute...).

This might be my favorite part of the bathroom:

GUH! OK i just tried to load the picture three times. It's not working. It's a 3-D portrait of two lion cubs. You would love it. It hangs behind the toilet. Great for the gentleman-folk peein' at Our Place. Those two little dudes make me smile every time. Still working on more bathroom art.

And to wrap up, I'd say that we keep our bathroom pretty tidy. This is a lot better than previous apartment bathroom situations I've had to live with in the past like a shopping cart- sized toilet room- only toilet- where I didn't even want to put my feet down in fear that rodents would scurry all up ons. I like this bathroom! WEEEEE.

Thanks for checking my john. John. Jon? Jonathan? Thanks for checking out my Jonathan, guys.


Hey, I bet you're wondering what those three pictures are doing up top. They're the ones I was trying to load! I'm not fixin' it! Look at the cub dudes. Living and learning on the internutzzzzz.